DR. BRÜCK ALAIN (MÉDECIN-DENTISTE) - Luxembourg, Luxembourg
1 Avis
DR. BRÜCK ALAIN (MÉDECIN-DENTISTE)10 Rue Jean Bertholet, L-123345 53 56https://www.luxyello.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
DR. BRÜCK ALAIN (MÉDECIN-DENTISTE)10 Rue Jean Bertholet, L-123345 53 56https://www.luxyello.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
This dentist should not be allowed to practice. He will try to enrich himself by doing unnecessary work on your teeth! He told me that I needed a bridge for 10.000 euros (or I risked loosing all my teeth) and that I had 2 cavities in my molars, which he absolutely wanted to repair and bore into. I had never had cavities before and had perfect dentition up to now. I consulted three further dentists, who all confirmed that I had no cavities, thus healthy teeth and no need for a bridge. If Dr. Brück had bored into my healthy teeth to place a filling, he would have damaged them just in order to have something to invoice me. We've now changed dentists and invoices are normally priced.
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